Answers to your
questions so far.

We’ve already received and answered some questions that are top of mind for everyone involved. The questions and answers are in the section below.

Why do we need to explore a partnership at this time?

An exciting aspect of this partnership is that none of the three credit unions need to merge, they are choosing to. We believe it simply makes sense. Farm, business, and consumer needs are changing. The financial services landscape is changing. We want to do better than just keep up.

The partnership will ensure we are sustainable long term. It will help us leverage opportunities and mitigate risks in the marketplace. And most important, it will give us the scale to actually grow financial services that are tailored to lifestyles and businesses here in rural Saskatchewan. When we say we’re driving rural prosperity, we mean it and are committed to it.

What do you hope a partnership will help the credit unions achieve?

We will be able to continue leading and driving prosperity in rural Saskatchewan – at a time when many major financial institutions are pulling back from rural areas. We will have more to invest in technologies that improve operations, access and member services. It will ensure we remain price competitive. We will have more to invest in our community partnerships. We will look to expand where it makes sense, with focus on the members and communities we serve.

Will my branch close or the days it is open be reduced as a result of the merger?

One of the goals of this merger is to maintain in person service.  Many financial institutions find efficiencies through leaving our small communities.  We are choosing to find efficiencies through partnerships that will make our commitment to providing financial services in rural SK sustainable. If our communities continue to support us and our branches remain profitable, our commitment is to be there to serve our communities.  

Will any employees lose their jobs as a result of the merger?

Although roles may evolve, there will be a home for all current staff in the new credit union. Credit unions, like many other organizations in Saskatchewan are facing challenges to ensure we have the staff we need to serve our members optimally. This partnership will help us attract employees and retain the amazing ones who already work with us. In addition there will be new opportunities as more specialized and diverse roles are needed in the larger organization.

What will the name of the new credit union be?

We are currently working with a professional brand development firm to help us create a new name that will reflect who we are, who we can become and where we do business. The naming process will include engagement with our employees and Board members to generate ideas and begin the exciting journey of building a solid brand.

Who can I talk to about this partnership?

Any of our staff or Directors would be happy to discuss this exciting partnership. If you would like to reach out and speak to someone directly please visit Let’s Connect.

When would the merger take effect?

If the September vote goes through as a positive majority, we will move into the integration phase throughout 2025. 

Where can I get more information about each of the partners?

Please visit each of the credit unions’ websites or reach out to our staff and Directors who are happy to chat about this exciting partnership:

Bigger isn’t always better.

We are focused on supporting growth in Saskatchewan for the benefit of all our members, not for the profit of stakeholders that don’t live here.  Our priority is our local communities and our people. By choosing to partner with like-minded credit unions, we are able to uphold our commitment to communities and building relationships. You will continue to be helped and guided by the same staff who you have already built trust with.

What are the benefits of a partnership to me as a member?

We’re exploring this merger specifically to be of better service to our members and to ensure that is always the case. The many benefits include:

  • Sustainable, reliable access to financial services in rural Saskatchewan communities.
  • Additional capacity to price products and services competitively.
  • New products and ideas made possible by our greater capacity.
  • More training and growth opportunities for our employees.
  • Increased capacity to support our communities.
  • Increased volumes resulting in improved efficiencies of scale.

The wellbeing of our members here at home is our priority.

Will the products and services I have now change?

The way you bank with any of the three credit unions today should remain very familiar. There will be positive choices over time: new account ideas, new products and services, improved access thanks to improving technology. No one wants change for the sake of change. But the changes we can make together can be well-informed, well-communicated and offered as a choice. We think that’s all good news.

Will merging the operations disrupt my day-to-day banking?

If the three credit unions come together, there may be very small disruptions to banking systems and the like as operation integration happens. We’ve spread the timeline out for that work, and we’ll do everything in our power to reduce or eliminate disruption.

How will this merger impact banking for businesses and farms?

The new credit union will have the scale ($2 billion in assets) and the footprint (rural Saskatchewan, south to north) to enhance farm and business banking services. We’ll be able to help more businesses grow. We’ll be able to tailor products specifically for rural and local requirements. We will be able to make decisions close to home – where you work. We see the potential of every business and farm in Saskatchewan and we plan to ensure everyone has the opportunity to prosper.

Will there be an impact on member service levels because of the Merger?

The combined strengths of each credit union will allow us to enhance member experience and attract new members as we continue to grow in the future.  In most cases you will continue to deal with the trusted advisors you work with today. 

Will deposits still be guaranteed?

Yes.  The merger will not affect the deposit guarantee.  Deposits are 100% guaranteed today through Credit Union Deposit Guarantee Corporation and will continue to be so in the new credit union. 

Why not merge with one of the large urban CUs to better support the natural migration of youth members from rural SK to the city?

Our focus on rural Saskatchewan is intentional.  As the competition continues to leave our communities we continue to invest in them through local advice, being a good employer, and investing our profits back into our communities.  We believe in both an in-branch personal experience as well we know we need to continue to invest in technology to allow our members the convenience to transact whenever and wherever they are.  Over the years we have seen members come and go from our communities.  People are no longer choosing their financial institution by geographical location or proximity.  We find that members of today are more committed to their roots and are quite happy to contact their local advisor in their preferred method.  They want to do business with the credit union profession who they have a built a relationship with and who understands their borrowing and investing needs.  The remainder of their transactions are conducted through digital channels.  As a large credit union, we will continue to invest in the new technologies to meet the future needs of all members. 

Will I still be able to phone my branch without having to go through an automated router? Will a real person still be answering the phones?

We pride ourselves on being available to our members, and that’s not something we are considering changing through the course of this merger.

Will there be any branches in the city of Saskatoon?

The new credit union will have 30 branches across Saskatchewan.  Today, all three credit unions have members living in Saskatoon, Regina, and many other locations.  We know our members and they know us; their trusted advisor is only a click or phone call away.   We make our decisions locally which ensures we can serve members effectively and efficiently.  This includes those who remain in our local communities and those who have moved from the area.  In addition, we continue to invest in digital banking channels and apps to provide convenient account access to our members wherever they call home. 

How will the member-elected Board of the new credit union be set up?

Each of the three partners will have four Board seats at the new credit union. That is why we call it an equal partnership. We’re very proud of how all three Boards have put this plan together – it makes us unique and truly reflects our intent to sustain and grow tailored financial services in rural Saskatchewan.

Who will the new CEO be?

The new CEO will be Blair Wingert, the CEO from Prairie Centre Credit Union. His leadership peers, Colleen Harmatiuk from Diamond North Credit Union, and Glen Goddard from Cypress Credit Union will support Blair in leadership roles for as long as they are needed.

What impact will the partnership have on the community I live in?

First and foremost, the partnership between our three credit unions will ensure we can sustain and even grow financial services tailored to rural Saskatchewan.

Will there still be profit sharing and community sponsorships?

All three credit unions are committed to giving back to their communities through financial sponsorships and volunteerism. This is a vital component of the cooperative principles which we will remain true to as we move forward. Profit sharing programs will be evaluated and may be redesigned to align with what is important to the member, today.

Who is eligible to vote?

An individual must be a Credit Union Member on July 31, 2024 and 16 years of age or older. 

How can I vote?

During the voting period, members will be able to vote online using our secure, confidential voting platform. A link to the voting platform will be available on our websites, shared on social media and emailed to you. Visit a voting station at your branch during normal business hours to vote in branch.

Individual members who are eligible to vote can access the voting platform using their member number and date of birth. If you do not know your member number, refer to your bank statement, online banking profile or call your local branch. 

Organizations or Businesses with an approved Appointment of Voting Representative form, will receive a Member and Organization number that can be used to log into the voting platform. When accessing the online ballot businesses and organizations will be asked for two qualifiers: their member number and organization number. 

  • Member number 1-8 digits
  • Organization number 1-8 digits


The organization number is entered in the date of birth field on the voting platform. 

What are my voting options?

There are two methods for members to participate in the vote: online and electronic in-branch. There will be NO paper ballot option. All voting is electronic.

Voting Period?

Voting will be available starting on Wednesday, September 4 at noon until Tuesday, September 10 at 6:00 p.m.

Who can vote on behalf of an organization or business?

Eligible organizations and business members are entitled to one vote. In order to be eligible they must meet the CU Act requirements. 

  • Submit and Appoint a Voting Representative Form by Monday, September 2 at 10:00 a.m. AND
  • Hold a member share account
As and Organization or Business, how do I appoint a voter?

The Notice of Appointment of Voting Representative Form can be printed from your Credit Union website or requested from any branch. The form must be returned to your credit union before the deadline of Monday, September 2 at 10:00 am. 

I have a business membership and personal membership in the credit union. Can I vote for each?

If the Organization or Business is a qualified member and filed the Appointment Of Representative form and the individual member has met the eligibility, you may vote once for each. 

Where do I get my member number on online banking?
  1. Once logged into desktop banking, select accounts and view accounts
  2. Select the arrow on the far right
  3. You will find your member number near the bottom
Where do I get my member number on the APP?
  1. After logging into your mobile banking APP, press the accounts button on the task bar at the bottom of your screen
  2. Select any account
  3. Once an account is selected, click the Details Tab
  4. Scroll until the member number is found
What if I get an error message when I go to vote?

If you receive an error message when attempting to vote online, this may be due to several reasons:

  • You’re not on the voter list due to ineligibility
  • Your birth date is incorrect in our system
  • You’re entering your birthdate in the wrong format (MMDDYYYY)
  • You’re entering your member number incorrectly
  • You have already voted online
  • If an Organization or Business, you don’t have authorization or the wrong entry criteria

In all situations, please call your branch for clarification. 

As new questions come in, we’ll add those to the FAQs.

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