Making the journey - doing our homework.

The exploration stage of the merger process is just that. It’s like homework. Follow our progress and ask questions as we go so we’re all on the same page when we get to the end.

Concept Exploration

The Board and executive teams of all three credit unions explore possibilities, challenges, what a merged credit union would look like and how it would function. This includes the development of a fair and equal governance model.

Winter 2023

Due Diligence and Business Case

Once the concept has been developed, the credit union teams along with external consultants pressure test the new ideas. We do the math, we kick the tires and we triple check the outcomes. Based on the team’s findings, we create a professional business case for the merger.

Spring 2024

Member Engagement and Feedback

Once the business case has been approved by each of the Boards, conversations will take place with members and employees. This will be everyone’s opportunity to ask questions and find common ground.

Summer 2024

Member Voting

Our credit unions, individually or merged, are cooperative organizations where all members have a say and everyone has a vote. We will ensure the three partner memberships have easy access to voting guidelines and timelines.

Fall 2024

Merger Target Date

We will set a legal merger date if our memberships vote in favour of the new, single credit union.



If the merger goes forward, integration will happen over an extended period of time. This will include banking systems, products, and operations. We will design it to cause the least disruption possible to everyday member banking and services.

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