News & Events

An Exciting Step Forward
Board of Directors recommend merger of three credit unions.
Press Release

There are so many reasons and you may have questions; see our answers here.
View our Q&A

A choice. As a cooperative, our members will make a choice and have the final say when asked to vote in the fall of 2024.
See our timeline

What do you see when you look at rural Saskatchewan? We see a tapestry of communities built through generations of hardworking people. We see families and friends, small businesses and expansive farms. We see neighbours helping neighbours. We see rolling hills, prairie waves and forests, all connected by a night sky that will take your breath away.

Rural Saskatchewan is home to three credit unions that see what you see. We share the same values that shape your life here. Supporting that way of life is why we exist today. Continuing to grow that way of life as we become one credit union on January 1st, 2025.
The members of all three credit unions have voted in favour and validated the Board’s vision of the three like mind credit unions coming together, to form a strong credit union, focused on rural Saskatchewan. This website will keep you informed as we move forward in driving rural prosperity together.

Our Members
What makes this merger between Cypress, Diamond North and Prairie Centre Credit Unions unique is our shared partnership approach and our focus on positive possibilities. We enter this merger as good neighbours in keeping with our rural roots. And our goal is to understand the challenges but to focus on the gains. We see three clear upsides:
We are creating a single credit union to support rural Saskatchewan; designed for our rural ways of life and focused on the well-being of our members…
- To provide enhanced services and investments in the future.
- To invest the savings made possible by scale.
- To improve technology, products and pricing.
Our Employees
Three credit unions merged into one will…
- Give our employees more career opportunities.
- Add more variety of roles and access to better, more efficient training.
Our Communities
Connecting every community we serve today through one credit union, to be better able to sustain financial services tailored for the places we call home today.
- More capacity to help more businesses and invest more in our community partners.
- Allows us to give back to communities through sponsorships and volunteerism.
Better for members, better for employees and communities. That is the commitment of Prosperity Credit Union. Not because we have to but because it makes sense.